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When it comes to fat loss, The Michaud Method delivers fast and effective results.

Not only will you lose fat with The Michaud Method program, but you will also receive the tools to keep it off. 
Image by Octavian Dan

Why is fat loss so difficult?

The fundamental science of fat loss is very straightforward. Eat less, move more and create a consistent calorie deficit and you will lose fat. Simple.


Then why are so many people struggling to maintain a healthy bodyweight and control their diet, no matter how many different approaches they try?


There is no universal answer. But working with thousands of clients every year worldwide, we see people making the same key mistakes when it comes to successful fat loss

  • Taking an all-or-nothing approach

  • Setting wildly unrealistic goals

  • Following restrictive and unsustainable diets

  • Lacking education on how to eat healthily

  • Fooling yourself over what you think you eat versus what you actually eat

  • Following the latest fitness fad for a few weeks

  • Focusing solely on cardio workouts

  • Having no accountability to see your goals through to the end

  • Not having a long-term mindset

Fat Loss - The Michaud Method
Fat Loss & Weight Loss - The Michaud Method

Fat loss myths

Fat loss is a process. There is no magic to it. But when people repeatedly try and fail to lose weight, it can reinforce myths and falsehoods about fat loss that are simply not true.


‘I can’t lose weight because I have a slow metabolism’.

‘I can’t lose weight because I am too old’.

‘I can’t lose weight because of my genetics’.

‘I can’t lose weight because I have tried everything’.


Science, experience and our track record prove that with the right approach, anybody can and will lose weight, no matter what their age, ability or starting point.

'Maximum results, minimum time'

– Consistency leaves clues

The Michaud Method data-led model and accountability system means that you get a consistent and predictable service with the program. So, if you are willing to commit and follow our guidance, you will achieve life-changing results.

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227 Mulberry Street, New York, NY 10012

DISCLAIMER | Results may vary | Results are based on individual circumstances and program compliance  | Willpower is always required!

© The Michaud Method 2024 

Personal Trainer | Nutritionist | Total Body Transformation Specialists

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